Are you planning to design a new website for your small business and want to make sure that the homepage looks perfect? Look no further than this comprehensive homepage checklist. With these tips, you can attract, connect with, and convert potential buyers, all while giving your website sales a major boost. WEBSITE ESSENTIAL MOCKUP by […]

Small Business Tips, Website Design

March 16, 2024

Website Homepage Design – The Ultimate Checklist

Picture of Website Mockups on Ipads

Website design isn’t just about aesthetics. It involves the combination of various skills — from design layout to colour combinations to copywriting and typography and finally being able to communicate its purpose/goal. In all, it is a place where you want to create an interface not only between creative and eye-catching aesthetics but also a place […]

Website Design

February 16, 2024

6 Steps to Implement a Strategic Website Design

Women Working on laptop



Building a website is about providing a service to your customer, and therefore it should be a thought out process. There are some practical matters that need to be considered to facilitate a smooth website design process. Hence, compiling a list of Website Design Questionnaire to ask your client before designing a website will ensure […]

Small Business Tips, Website Design

January 26, 2024

Website Design Questionnaire – What to ask before creating a Website?

Entrepreneurs, Creatives and Small Businesses owners often wonder whether they need a website / website builder or in today’s digital savvy world social platforms can do the job of their website. Well, the answer is simple you “definitely do need a website”. Let’s face it – we live in a world where we GOOGLE first […]

Small Business Tips, Website Design

May 13, 2023

What is A Website Builder and How to Choose One?




When it comes to creating the correct layout for a website, there are various different terms and jargons often floating around, leading to frustration and confusion. Whether you are creating your website from scratch or working with a website designer, it is always jarring when you do not understand the terminology being used and you […]

Website Design

February 8, 2023

Website Design Terms You Should Know Before Creating a New Website

Website Design Terms To Know Before You Start Designing

Its not enough to have an awesome looking website, if you cannot actually bring people (traffic) to your website. And hence website SEO plays a crucial role in driving traffic to your blog / website. So what is Google looking for? When someone types in a query or keyword into the search box, Google’s aim […]

Small Business Tips

January 26, 2023

5 Steps to Boost Your Website SEO

5 steps to boost your websites SEO



In today’s rapidly growing online world where every other information is at your fingertips, it is unusually surprising how many small business owners still do not think having a website for their business is relevant -“I don’t have the time”, I’m not tech savvy”, “its too expensive”, “I am already on social media platforms,” or […]

Website Design

January 9, 2023

7 Reasons – Why Every Small Business Should Have a Website?



Are you ready for a website that you are proud  and confident to send potential clients to and which will function seamlessly 24/7 while you get cracking with your business?